

New module Volvo Denso SH72xxx CAN, supports 2 families in BENCH-CAN mode. Removing ECU required but opening not need, only direct CAN connection to ECU.

- Denso SH72543 2.0 Mb BENCH-CAN
- Denso SH72546 3.75 Mb BENCH-CAN

New families and improvements:
- Now supported BMW Fxx DOUBLE MEVD17.2.X ECU in test mode. FID133 for writing 2nd ECU added, 1st ECU can be written with FID 132 as single MEVD17.2.X
- BMW Fxx Bosch ENET now fixed and not require to reswitch ignition, coding system also fixed!

Master/Slave system:
- Searching files implemented for slave files list in Master application. Filtering possible by text and by slave selection
- Filename generation when saving slave file also added
- Slave now can do request, even when file was not found on server during virtual read

Interface fixes:
- Interface fixes, progress bar bug fixed
- Error handling and internal logging improved
- Removed battery voltage control for ENET families

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