Module Continental M3C

FIDs: 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196
Module for OBD/Bench working with Continental M3C ECUs used in different moto/extreme vehicles.
Allows software identification, FullFlash reading and writing by CANbus, CS calculation of calibration area and EEPROM area.
Following families are present:
- Arctic Cat Continental M3C 9S12XE (FID:194)
- BRP Continental M3C 9S12XE (FID:193)
- Ducati Continental M3C 9S12XD (FID:191)
- Ducati Continental M3C 9S12XE (FID:192)
- KTM/Husqvarna Continental M3C 9S12XE (FID:196)
- Beta/Kymco/Sherco/Stels/TGB Continental M3C 9S12XE (FID:195)
Attention! Readed file contains virtual EEPROM with mileage info, VIN, keys etc... Make sure that you will make MOD file based on file you read. Module is also suitable for cloning.
Attention! Module is garanteed works with all listed ECUs on the BENCH. OBD working is also possible if vehicle has no any systems that will interrupt connection - f.e. in BRP it is dashboard and power steering wheel. U will need to disconnect that systems or work on the BENCH.
Module requires security USB dongle